Restroom Trailer Rentals: Trailers for VIP Events to Disaster Relief
Have you ever prepared to go to an outdoor event and wondered if restroom facilities would be available? What kind of facilities will be available? Will they be clean? Will they accommodate you and your kids together or someone in a wheelchair? What about the hundreds of survivors of natural disasters who are housed in temporary shelters? How can a shelter provide sanitary restroom and shower services for so many people?
Most people are familiar with the individual plastic outhouses (i.e. port-a-potties) that are so common at outdoor events, and do not expect to use anything but this when looking for a restroom. These outhouses fulfill a basic need, but many people refuse to use them due to lack of internal space, perceived uncleanliness, poor ventilation, weather being too hot or cold, or due to lack of hand washing amenities. There are alternatives to this simple restroom structure, however, and they come in the form of entire trailers that are fully functional with running water, flushable toilets, and climate control in a private, clean and comfortable lavatory.
These portable restrooms or restroom trailers are just like stationary ones you would use at any store, restaurant or any other public facility. They have enclosed stalls, sinks and mirrors, and some even come with showering facilities. They can accommodate families, children, and people using wheelchairs.
Restroom trailers can be used for temporary events or for long-term use. They can accommodate small and large groups while maintaining a sanitary and safe environment. A variety of options are available to meet your group’s personal needs: simple portable toilets, separate hand washing stations, portable shower trailers, and entire restroom facilities in basic or luxury styles. All of the available portable restroom facilities can be used as a sole entity or combined with one another to perfectly meet your needs.
Restroom trailers have been invaluable in disaster relief efforts. Survivors of disasters often have to live in communal facilities with little or no privacy whatsoever. Having the ability to use the toilet or take a shower in a private and sanitary bathroom is a way to give some dignity back to people who have had their essential needs stripped away. Since restroom trailers can be set up and used for extended periods of time, they are the perfect way to provide a fully functional lavatory for people who otherwise have little to call their own.
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